
Taxi To Heaven

Keeping with the theme here's a song by the same name.

I first heard this song on an episode of the Simpsons, where they parodied the movie "Sid and Nancy," a bio pic about Sid Vicious, a member of the Sex Pistols. The movie wasn't too amazing, but has become something of a cult classic with classic rock fans. This particular track has become synonymous with an image of Sid and Nancy (his girlfriend) standing in an alleyway as someone empties their garbage creating "rain."

The song is by a group called Pray For Rain (not to be confused with the Christian pop group PFR). They did movie related work, and I found this track to be especially beautiful. I'm also planning on covering it in my Recording Class. There's a lot of potential for a larger work; I would like to expand the different themes into a longer song.


Adam said...


Hunter said...

lol yeah it is!

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